This is the third and final instalment of our trip - four and a half months in Africa. The video is embedded below (it's from facebook, but you don't have to be a member watch it). To switch to full screen, hit the white square in the bottom right, after you've hit play.
If the facebook version fails, use the lower quality video below.
Part 2 is below, and part 1 is here
1625 GMT 10th September
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Movie - Part 2
This is part 2 of our movie covering the 16 weeks spent in New Zealand and Australia. The video is embedded below (it's from facebook, but you don't have to be a member watch it). To switch to full screen, hit the white square in the bottom right, after you've hit play.
If that fails, a lower quality version is embedded below.
Part 1 of the movie can be found here, and part 3 will be posted as soon as Kirsten makes it.
If that fails, a lower quality version is embedded below.
Part 1 of the movie can be found here, and part 3 will be posted as soon as Kirsten makes it.
Monday, September 7, 2009
London Calling

We've driven 13 hire cars, gaining one knackered battery, three punctures, and three speeding tickets. We've flown around Mount Cook and over the Okavango Delta. We've been entertained by Karaoke whilst sailing from China to Japan and slept on a boat deck with tanks of live fish in the Philippines. We've trekked the shores of Lake Baikal in Russia, the Tongariro Crossing in New Zealand, the jungles of Borneo, and have penetrated the Impenetrable Forest in Uganda.

We've slept in beds in over 150 different locations from a nomadic ger tent in Mongolia to a mud rondavel on the Wild Coast of South Africa. We've camped for around 50 nights, shivering in Siberia, listening to the howl of the jackals in Namibia and dodging giant crabs Palau.

We've seen the Nazi concentration camps in Poland, the memorial to Hiroshima, the shell damaged buildings of Sarajevo and Mostar, and have dived the wrecks of the Japanese Imperial Navy in the Philippines. We've witnessed tools of oppression at the KGB offices in Vilnius and Budapest, and the prison of Robin Island in Cape Town. We've visited the battlefields of Blood River, Insandhlwana, Roke's Drift, and Peleliu, the site of the bloodiest battle in the Pacific Campaign.

We've watched orang-utans swing from trees, Japanese macaques bath in hot pools and been charged by a mountain gorilla. We've seen lions chewing on zebras, cheetahs courting and a leopard resting. We've nervously observed Komodo dragons, crocodiles, scorpions and tarantulas. We've swum with jelly fish and Great White Sharks (well, in a cage for the latter).

We've listened to drums in Zimbabwe, Opera in Sydney and Beth Ditto in Serbia. We've eaten bee larvae and Kobe Steak (well just Kirsten on those ones). We've drunk vodka on the Trans-Siberian railway, Pinotage in Stellenbosch, Sauvignon Blanc in Hawke's Bay and fermented mare's milk in Mongolia.

In summary, it has been an amazing adventure. We would like to thank everyone along the way who has provided us with accommodation, entertainment or moral support (and in many cases all three). We hope you have enjoyed following us on our adventure.

- In particular we would like to thank the following people (please don't hate us if we inadvertently missed someone out!):
- Ben, Steve, Narelle, Rob & Rachel, for their vodka drinking and card playing skills on the Trans-Siberian
- Jamie for his company in Beijing and accommodation in Tokyo
- Richard's mum, dad and brother, and my mother for their company in New Zealand and their support and patience throughout our trip
- Rosemary, Mike, Julia, James, Hamish, Sarah, Heidi, Graham, Janice, Dylan, Nick, Mark, Kiri, Bill and my Granny for all their hospitality in New Zealand
- Jade for showing us a good night out in Melbourne
- Glen for his entertainment and flat in Sydney
- Ben and Steve for showing us around Sydney
- Narelle and her parents for looking after us in Canberra
- The passengers and crew of the Waltzing Matilda in The Whitsundays for their wide variety of drinking games
- Ian and family for their company in Sydney and accommodation in Adelaide
- John and Ciara for their company in Perth
- My mum for staying calm whilst we ragged it along the dirt roads of Namibia in the dark
- Celia and Jacques for all their hard work in Southern and Eastern Africa
- Yola, Emerald, Megan, Ed, Anne and Luke for their company from Johannesburg to Vic Falls
- Ed, for keeping us sane
- Our fellow passengers on the Gorilla Express for their cooking, cleaning and general merriment
- Kiri for all her work organising our Mara safari and for the pleasure of her company in Kenya
- Katharine and Lee for the use of their flat before and after our trip, for storing our stuff during the trip and for their friendship

Of course we now have the fun of finding jobs and a place to live, and trying (possibly in vain) to slot back into society. All of this will be detailed (probably with less frequency) on our new blog

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 3: Very quickly after leaving camp, you find yourself in a large boulder field (both the boulders and the field are large), where only the hardiest plants cling to life, and the crater looms massively before you. This was one of a few acclimatisation days, where we hiked to Lava Tower at 4530m before descending to Barranco camp at 3900m. My sprightliness of the previous days had deserted me, and when we reached Lava Tower my legs felt like jelly. The tower itself requires a bit of climbing to reach the top. My guide, Jonas, thought it best if he sat at the bottom as I clambered up. I made hard work of the easy climb due to neither my muscles or brain working at full capacity. Once on top the view is rather good, if only the clouds would play ball and give a full panoramic. Once down, I somehow persuaded my legs to carry me the rest of the way to the camp site. The Barrranco camp, lying in a valley, is the prettiest on the route – although the low clouds never seem to lift, at night you can see the lights of Mosi far below, and in the morning, without its veil, the glacier covered peak looks quite majestic.

Day 5/6: The day starts with the very short hike to Barafu camp at 4600m. Once there, the hardest job for our tent man, Kennedy, was to find places to wedge the tents on the rocky side of the mountain. Where we ended up, gives quite stunning views across the Shira caldera to Mawenzi. The idea was to rest up before the night time assault on the summit. I agreed with the guide, Oforo, to leave at midnight, which in hindsight was far too early. Being Welsh, I had decided not to spend several hundred pounds on space-age thermals and Gore-Tex this and that. So, Arctic sleeping-bag aside, I thought I'd largely make do with what I had. Two hours in and Oforo announced that we were half way there, and thus would have to stop for a while. Even though my newly bought gloves boldly stated -15°C, I could no longer feel my fingers. Feeling had also gone from my toes and face, and the wind was cutting straight though all the (clearly inadequate) layers, making me by far the coldest I'd ever been in my life. In fact I came close to crying and had become slightly delirious - at 3am the new moon rose, and I tried to convince myself that the sun would not be far behind. By 4:30 we'd reached Stella Point (at 5795m, just 100m below the summit, this is considered a runner up point) a full 90 minutes early. The wind chill was incredible, but I had to spend the next half-hour running on the spot to stay warm and keep my mind of the cold – still no sign of the bloody sun. At quarter-to-six we reached the summit of Kilimanjaro, and unsurprising Oforo and myself were the first there. By 6:10 the eastern sky was lighting up, and fifteen minutes later the sun finally popped up. I would have liked to stay longer to take photos of the glaciers, but Oforo was keen to get down the mountain to help guide Leon and Thushara up. Having met up below Stella Point, I ran/slid/skidded down the scree slope with one of the porters all the way back to camp, arriving just after eight. Although I'd have liked to have slept, altitude sickness was finally kicking up, and my head was pounding. The final night's camp was down at 3100m, so I thought I'd stroll down to it to relieve the headache. What I got was a knee jarring three hours, dropping from the alpine desert, though moorland to the camp in the upper part of the cloud forest.

Meanwhile, Thushara had twisted her knee shortly after we passed, and was first carried down to Barafu camp, before being placed in the stretcher cum wheelbarrow that are used for medical evacuation off the mountain – if one had a more serious injury, such as a broken leg, the experience could be excruciating.

I spent a relaxed night in Arusha, before boarding the bus for the dusty, bumpy, seven hour journey back to Nairobi along one of the worst roads in East Africa.

Monday, August 17, 2009
The Mara

Having already had pretty good sightings of all the big five with the exception of the leopard, we were on a cat hunt. The day was overcast, and the temperature pretty chilly, perfect conditions for finding some active cats. After a couple of hours with nothing much more than antelope (although it was an excellent selection with topi, haretebest and eland added to the usual impala and gazelles), the radio crackled into life and our driver started to pick up speed – the chase was on. Before long we had joined a large pack of safari vehicles huddled around a pride of lions. There were eight in total, including two males. We watched the larger male lounging until he got up stretched, yawned, dedicated and preceded to where the results of an earlier kill, a rather sorry looking half eaten zebra lay. He munched away, completely unperturbed by the thirty or so safari vehicles crowed around. After having a good fill, he dragged it over to the ladies, although he still didn't appear inclined to share the feast, and a short but vicious looking spat ensued. Unfortunately the sun was starting to go down, so we had to start heading back to the lodge leaving the cats to their dinner. There was just time for a bonus cat spot on the way back when a serval, small but very cute spotted cat, crossed the road in front of us.
The next day, with pack lunches at the ready, we headed out for a full day's game drive. Again, cats were top of our list and we soon found another small pride of lions. Having had our fill, we moved on only to find two black rhinos, one adult and one young, making their way across the savannah – very impressive.
The famous migration of the wildebeest had already started, and based on the numbers that were in the Mara, it looked like many of them had moved north already from the Serengeti. Driving through the vast herds of wildebeest, interspersed with zebra, you could almost here David Attenborough whispering in the background. No wonder the lions all look so healthy and on the plump side, this place is a veritable smorgasbord. Not soon after leaving the herds, we came across another group of six or so lions. This time, they were proudly lying around in the sun, sleeping off the three wildebeests that they had devoured, whilst one continued to polish off the last of one of the carcasses. Luckily this time we were first on the scene, so we had the lions practically to ourselves and were able to get very close.
Unfortunately it is pretty difficult to actually see the classic wildlife documentary moment of the wildebeest actually crossing The Mara river, but we did stop at one of the spots were this happens. It also gave us the chance of a much needed stretch of the legs, a closer look at the river's resident hippos and crocodiles, and have a bite to eat whilst fending of the baboons.
After lunch, we were committed to finding some cats with spots. Although the elusive leopard continued to remain, well, elusive, we did find ourselves a gorgeous group of three cheetahs, very close up. Unlike the lions, they were much more aware and nervous of the vehicles, so after taking countless photographs, we moved on to let them get some peace.
On the way out of the park the next day, we passed by five or so armed park rangers herding some cows out of the park. They had confiscated it from the Maasai who had brought them in the graze against the rules. Indeed we saw quite a few herds within the park and also stopped to talk to a young Maasai herder. Whilst his spear was very sharp, he seemed much more concerned with the whereabouts of the rangers than the lions.
We were sorry to be leaving The Mara, but very satisfied with what we had seen, in particular the cheetahs. It was busier, in terms of number of safari vehicles, than most of the other parks that I have visited, but you can see why. The scenery is beautiful and the animal concentrations were very high, especially of lions. It is also possible to get off the beaten track and feel like you are in the wilderness, although when an exciting animal is found you don't stay alone for long.
Comment on First African Dream Tours: When Kiri and I booked our safari we found the choice of companies, and the lack of reliable information on them, somewhat overwhelming, so I thought it would be useful to add a few comments on the one we chose. In the positive side the price of our trip was pretty competitive compared to the competition. All food, game drives and mineral water were included in the price of the trip. The lodge at Amobseli was excellent and the one in The Mara was good, although it will be better when they finish building it. It was, however, a disappointment to have to stay in town in Nakuru and it wasn't clear whether this mix up was the fault of the hotel or the tour company. Our guides were professional and friendly and our vehicle was reasonably comfortable and very reliable, although if I were to do it again I would prefer a 4-wheel drive. We managed in The Mara with 2-wheel drive, but if it rained things could get pretty tricky. One real advantage was that there were only the two of us in our vehicle. This great for the game drives as you can go at your own pace which is great when you like to take as many photographs as I do. Other than the Nakuru accommodation, the only real problem we had was that the deposit we paid via Swift never arrived. We still need to follow this up, but I'm not convinced we will get it resolved.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Lake Nakuru

Disappointingly there had been a mix up with the hotels and we ended up having to stay in the Merica hotel in Nakuru town centre rather than in one of the lodges in the park. Whilst it was a perfectly adequate room, it really didn't have the atmosphere of staying in the park.

After a somewhat restless night's sleep, being kept awake by the hotel's live band, we headed off early on the long drive for the Masai Mara.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Another hour or so of bone jangling later we arrived at the park gate. Amboseli, although relatively small at 392 sq km, is one of Kenya's most popular parks, not least because of the potential for spectacular views of Kilimanjaro to the south. When we arrived the sky was cloudy, and there was no hint of the mountain. As we needed to get to our lodge for lunch we drove through the park relatively quickly, stopping only for a few photographs of some of the park's large number of elephants, as well as zebra, giraffe, ostrich and wildebeest. The landscape varies greatly from large dusty plains with numerous mini whirlwinds (from which the park gets its name) whipping up the dust, to swampy areas deep enough to practically conceal a full grown elephant whilst it drinks and stays cool.

Our accommodation, the Sentrim Amboseli lodge, was just outside the park gates, and proved to be a very comfortable home for the next two nights. It had an attractive pool and restaurant area, and our 'tent' came complete with beds, bathroom, power shower, fridge and hairdryer. Now this is camping.

We were greeted at the Maasai village by the second son of the village chief. We were welcomed with singing and dancing including some very impressive jumping by the men. This was followed by a tour of a house and a demonstration of traditional fire lighting. Then, of course came the visit to the craft market. Whilst we realised immediately we were about to be fleeced, you had to admire the tactics – these guys have it down to an art form. First they insisted that Kiri and I split up to look at different stalls; then they took hold of any items you might be interested in, but refused to talk prices; once you had looked at all the stalls, desperately trying to politely turn down more items, things turned to business and they started negotiations at a ridiculously high price. All this was done in an incredibly friendly manner, with lots of smiles and introductions. In the end we decided to consider our spending as a donation to the community as a reward for all the effort they had put in.

Wallets considerably lighter, it was time to partake of some serious game viewing. Elephants were the order of the day, but we also saw plenty of gazelle (Grants and Thompson), giraffe, zebra and wildebeest. Unfortunately the drought that is currently plaguing Kenya appeared to be in evidence as we passed quite a number of dead zebra, wildebeest and buffalo, that had not been touched by predators. As the sun went down, finally the clouds started to burn off and Kilimanjaro gradually appeared, allowing for some classic animal in front of Kili photographs.

Day two in Amboseli started well with a lion sighting; one male with three females, and another two lions in the far distance. This was swiftly followed up by a female and two cubs. This was particularly special as lion numbers are relatively low in Amboseli. The rest of the day was spent watching the many herbivores.

The next day we left early for the long drive to Lake Nakuru.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

There appears to be no such thing as a decent mid-range hotel in Nairobi. Our last stay was at the Boulevard Hotel, and whilst this was adequate, it's very overpriced for what it is. This time we tried the Kenya Comfort Hotel, a city centre hotel, which is well recommended by the Lonely Planet. In reality it is pretty dingy, but after camping for so long, any bed is better than none. Also the staff, whilst not exactly efficient, were at least accommodating.

Rich and I's first full day in Nairobi was spent doing very little indeed. We did manage to brave the mean streets of Nairobi and make it round the corner to a branch of Java Coffee House, for a decent cup of coffee and a pleasant meal. In the evening we ventured out to a cinema in a mall in Westlands, one of the posher suburbs. I had persuaded Rich to see the new Harry Potter film, and at least he seemed to enjoy it more than the last one as this time he managed not to fall asleep.

The next morning we welcomed my old friend (long-standing that is rather than elderly), Kiri, to Nairobi and the splendour (cockroaches and all) of the Comfort Hotel. We spent most of the day taking taxis between different shopping malls, as Rich needed to stock up on a few last minute items for his Kilimanjaro assault. Kiri gamely fought off the jet lag (she had been awake for around 34 hours having flown in from Edinburgh) in order to join us for a very good dinner at Trattoria, Nairobi's 'best Italian restaurant'.

As we were not sure of the quality of food we were to get over the next six days on our safari, we decided to spoil ourselves with dinner at 'Nairobi's best fish restaurant', Tamarind. This was a very smart affair with excellent food and service. Particularly impressive was when the power went off and the pianist didn't even miss a beat, and the waiters calmly and quickly lit torches and continued as if nothing had happened. Power cuts appear to be a regular occurrence in Nairobi. After desserts, which came complete with a personal message written on the plate, we went back to the hotel, slightly tipsy and pleased with ourselves that we had survived another day in the big bad city.

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