Now it doesn't seem to matter what time of day it is, or where you are trying to go, Nairobi traffic is terrible. As one tourist information leaflet we read said, the traffic jams are enough to make a New York taxi driver jealous. Unfortunately, the only sensible way to get from Amboseli to Nakuru is right through the centre of the city. After sitting in queues of trucks, dodging street hawkers and goats being herded across the road, we finally made it in and out the other side, arriving in Nakuru town in time for a late lunch.

Disappointingly there had been a mix up with the hotels and we ended up having to stay in the Merica hotel in Nakuru town centre rather than in one of the lodges in the park. Whilst it was a perfectly adequate room, it really didn't have the atmosphere of staying in the park.

In the late afternoon it was time for Kiri's first, and my third, visit to Lake Nakuru park. The sky was dark and stormy which made a dramatic backdrop for the pink of the flamingos. We took photos of us in front of them, whilst being careful not to step on the various parts of dead flamingo that scatter the lake shore. In addition to the usual large numbers of impala, gazelle, buffalo, zebra and baboons we also got a great close up view of three white rhino, including a calf. Like Amobseli, we passed quite a few recently dead buffalo carcases, untouched by predators. It was unclear why they had died.

After a somewhat restless night's sleep, being kept awake by the hotel's live band, we headed off early on the long drive for the Masai Mara.
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