Our base for our two night stay at Etosha was the Okaukuejo Rest Camp, not far from the Andersson Gate. We had splashed out on a two bedroom family chalet which after camping was a luxurious treat, especially given the four poster beds and ornately folded bath towels. One of the advantages of staying here is that it has one of the best waterholes in the park, which you can sit by at any time of day or night as it is floodlit. Outside of the rest camps you are not allowed to get out of your car (and after seeing a couple of lions you have not desire to), so it is nice to have easy access to somewhere you can sit outside and watch at leisure. We therefore used this as an opportunity to sip our G&Ts watching the zebra drink form the waterhole as the sun set.

After dinner at the restaurant (I decided I needed a night off from cooking over an open fire) we headed back the waterhole and were greeted by a crowd of people madly snapping and flashing away. Finally we worked out that the cause of the excitement was a dark grey mass by the waterhole which was on closer inspection was a black rhino. This was a great end to the day, although it's not clear the rhino enjoyed to paparazzi treatment.

From after breakfast to lunch we didn't have so much luck, perhaps this was because I was driving. I blame mum and Rich who were meant to be acting as spotters. No sooner did Rich take over and we found 7 giraffe which crossed the road directly in front of us followed swiftly by a black rhino and a herd of wildebeest.

In the evening I had signed us up for the three hour night safari drive. As you are not allowed to drive yourself in the park at night this the only way to get out and about. We were prepared for it being chilly in our open top vehicle so took fleeces, but this was not enough and we spent the entire three hours close to hypothermia. Things stared well with male and female lion pretty close to the road, but then after two hours with nothing but owls we were starting to feel a little disheartened (this showing you owls is a standard trick when the guide can't find more interesting animal, I've seen it before). We did find two black rhino, but these were really too far away to be anything more than black shadows.

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