Finally I took the bull by the horns and booked in for a day's sandboarding with Down Hill Adventures; Kirsten declined the pleasure. My guide and instructor, Mark, picked me up from the hostel, and this is when I learned that a) I was their only client, b) they didn't have a dune buggy to ferry you to the top. The location for the boarding was a large sand dune area 40km north of Cape Town; when we arrived it was being used by around a dozen quad-bikes, an equal number of motorbikes, a couple of 4x4s and about 20 kids.

These guys use proper snowboards and boots – the boards are modified with a laminate stuck to the base that needs floor polish applied before each run to reduce the friction. I've never snowboarded before, so the day started with a few tumbles and splats, followed by long slogs back up the (not very large) dune. After four hours of this I could get down the dune and put in a few relatively controlled turns – time to hit the snow.

Safely on the ground (or more precisely a ledge 100m from the top of Table Mountain), I handed the equipment to the ground guy, to be hoisted back up in a bag. I however had to walk the 20 minute trail back up.

Activity list ticked off, we picked up the new hire car (a Chevrolet), and headed down the peninsular. After a pleasant brunch in Camps Bay, we discover we had another puncture – this time only an hour after picking up the car. I changed the wheel and we drove back to town to switch cars for take-two.

If your diving is itwarmer?
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